How to Cook Ayam Masak Merah

Hello, in this article I will be teach how to cook another Malaysian dish which is called 'Ayam Masak Merah'. 'Ayam' means chicken, 'Masak' means cook, and 'Merah' means the color red. So basically it's just chicken cooked in red sauce. And the main ingredient for this dish is tomato. Let's get started.

What I have here is 550g of chicken. This is actually chicken meat with some bones. If you like you can also use chicken breast. It's up to you. Then we have 1 onion, a tomato. You will also need ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, and also some red chili which are all dried. You can also use fresh chili if you don't have the dried ones but I prefer to use the dried chili. If you don't like your dish too spicy, remove the seeds. What I will be doing later is to soak this dried red chili in a hot bowl of water. This will actually help me to remove the seeds easily. And what is special about this dish is that you will need to fry your chicken with some Turmeric powder here. 1 table spoon of Turmeric powder would do. This is where I got my Turmeric powder from. I brought it from Malaysia. I'm sure you can get it at every Asian market. Of course you will need some tomato sauce, some salt and of course, oil to fry the chicken. Pour all of the Turmeric powder over the chicken. To add some taste, you will need to put a few dashes of salt and then give it a good mix. Here I am, done mixing the chicken with the Turmeric powder and salt. I'm going to let it sit in for about 30 minutes. What's next is that you will need to cut the ingredients to blend. I have the onion, ginger, and the 2 cloves of garlic.

Just like 'Ayam Masak Kicap', you will need to blend these ingredients together. Put everything into the blender. Next we have to cut the tomato into cubes. But before that, remove the skin. You can either use the peeler like what I have here or do it like in my previous video "ABC Soup". After 30 minutes I have chicken marinated with Turmeric powder and also salt. I'm going to fry it now. Now it's time to fry the chicken. Be very careful with the hot oil because you wouldn't want to hurt yourself. After frying the chicken, we will need to prepare for the sauce. Here I have the blended ingredients and over here, I've already heated up about 1 tablespoon of oil.

To prepare the gravy, fry the blended ingredients first for about 2 minutes then add the tomato pieces. Give the dish a few stirs and you should now add the tomato sauce. I used about 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce here. Then add 250 ml of water and bring the gravy to boil. Once the gravy starts boiling it's time to add the fried chicken. Keep stirring from time to time to avoid the dish from getting burned. This dish is already smelling very, very good. I'm going to let it sit in for another 5 minutes to let the sauce thicken. Then it's time to dish out. As you can see, the gravy is already drying up and this is the consistency that you have been looking for. Be sure to subscribe for more. Happy cooking!

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About Admin Bola

Ms. Lilebit is a wife and mother who is currently became fulltime housewife. She love about blogging and writing.
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