Clean your hard drive and perform a new installation can be a headache , but fortunately all programs intact , keeping your personal information and accounts for repair of the damaged installation of Windows 7 , there is a way . When you install Windows 7 with upgrade an existing installation to repair a breath can make . Techniques like the old Windows Vista operating system in order to improve, although the option to install the update on the site can be used to repair an existing installation of Windows 7.
Windows içindeyer you must perform the upgrade process ; önyüklemewindows full desktop computer , can not repair guide is not for you . Any other sınırlamalarmakale come later , so from start to repair damaged Windows 7 Oncet sure to read the manual backup. Performing a repair installation should be a last resort , and not only remove spyware already on your computer, you should be aware of, and could not install drivers using the Windows System Restore July 1 ( working) previously worked in the rear.
Prepare your PC for Windows 7
Before performing a repair installation process should take a few precautions to ensure smooth . The first step for an external device to backup critical files storage . Repair process fails or is likely to commit any of the files unrecoverable , however , is always a good idea to back up your data .
If the system after backing up important , such as firewalls and antivirus without uninstalling third-party security software we recommend data . After all Zamano to install Windows, but since we started this process in the analysis of active files should be removed security implications . In addition to handling and storage system should lead to gerekent work - Internet tells you how to access the network controller card özellikleağ.
Each copy of driver safety, then kullanımboyun cumulative long-term record of Windows 7 plus all unnecessary data . To do this , click Start, type Folder Options in the Vear, then press Enter. Hidden files Penceresindegörün Options tab and select Show Folder , folders and drives , and click OK.
Then open the Start menu and select Disk Cleanup to start the computer , the primary hard drive (C: by default ) right- click menu to open veproperties. Select Cleanup Tool in kısmındadisk Menününsağ and system files , select Delete. Programısürücü Disk Cleanup Tool should take a few minutes to restart the search . Then , click the More Options tab and select "System Restore and Shadow Copies section seçinmenüsününalt clean. Dialog box that appears , click the Remove button , and then delete the tab tekrardisk Cleaning içindosy list go to the stores to confirm all items checked , then click OK. Cleanup Tool drive , the old system files , temporary data , and other digital need to clean the debris . depends how junk data unit , this step may take a few minutes to a few seconds is up.
Once you run the drive cleaning tool , you can manually delete some files. C: vewindows folder , double-click the drive again . Veprefetch Klasörlerinliste scroll down and delete all files in the Temp folder . Only in these two files to delete files and folders , make sure değilkendi. Drivers folder , double-click vekullanıcı: Then go reactionary . Specified by the user to double - click ilkklasör username sonraappdat folder and files (eğerappdat folder can not be seen, " Show hidden files , folders and drives " above should be selected ) , the local folder and nihayettemp. Tempe klasöründet delete this file and reboot the system folder .
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