10 Easy Steps How to Fix iTunes Error 3194

Error 3194 iOS users frequently experience this problem when updating the software on your iOS device and iTunes Apple firmware.The due to a communication error occurs between the server. Apple's iTunes lets you connect to a server on your computer so that the error in the "hosts" file can be resolved by editing. So the question is simple.

"This solution works 7 operating system iOS device"

Step 1

See if you're running the latest version of iTunes on your computer. If you downloaded the latest version of iTunes from the link http://www.apple.com/in/itunes/download/

iTunes is already installed on your Windows computer, and the version of iTunes 11.1.4, you have the option to iTunes "Check for updates" If you want to upgrade using the latest version of the iTunes software, "Help."

Apple's latest update iOSdevice upgrade their devices to allow you to contact your server.it only important because of the renewed permit.

Your iPhone, iPad or iPod software to the latest version of the iOS device, make sure downloaded, or you can click directly on the update to the latest firmware update, or if you want to restore.

Step 2

If you have upgraded your iTunes, "C :/ windows/system32/drivers/etc /" to go

Step 3

That you are "hosts" file, you can find out ..

Step 4

"Hosts" file, make a copy and save it on the desktop or elsewhere. This is done for security purposes only.

Step 5

Open it in Notepad (right-file "hosts" can be found on the Open option)

Step 6

It would be something like "hosts" file open

Step 7

File "hosts" Delete this line

# gs.apple.com

Step 8

Close notified save the file and then "Yes" and press

Step 9

Restart the computer

Step 10

Now try upgrading to iOS device via iTunes.

Error 3194 will not open now.

Jailbroken device with iTunes Error 3194

This method works if the first attempt

If you have a jailbroken device and reducing the likelihood of your device if you try to blow up error 3194. This can be solved by using TinyUmberella

Download Tinyumberella

DFU mode on your iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPod) Location:

Turn off your device Hold down the power button for 3 seconds Without releasing the Power button and hold the home button for 10 seconds The power button for 10 seconds to 15 seconds (the only button) and pressing the Home button and then release The iOS device is now in DFU mode. The black screen is displayed on the screen of the device Connect to iTunes, the iTunes device in recovery mode to find

Now close iTunes

Open tinyUmberella and "courtesy Start Server" on

Now open iTunes and press shift (keyboard) + + Recover

Point IPSW file. You can download

(IPSW firmware that you downloaded eg. IPhone5, you'll see a Google search for your software device 1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw)

ITunes will now restore the device software


Discredit the iTunes error 3194 fix

7 Most people upgrade their software to the latest iOS update, but uncomfortable for both the iPhone 4 and iOS 6 User Experience strives to preserve softness. 'It seems that everyone is running the latest version of firmware for your device. But things will be much easier and smoother. So most people are very happy to switch iOS 6. This solution works only on iPhone 4 jailbroken on iOS 6.1.2 or 6.1.3 or 6.1.2/6.1.3 stored previously stored in the thread, but you are stuck on iOS in July

Important: This solution only works with the iPhone 4 to save the 6.1.2/6.13 thread. You 6.12 / 6.1.3 jailbreak on the iPhone if you have not saved your course.

Step 1

Download the latest version of iFaith and requires iOS software. Can be obtained easily by searching Google. (You need to be thread 6.1.3 SHSH 6.1.3 * if * you want to download the software)

How to IOS Firmware Download

Google Search: iPhone 4 iOS 6.1.3.ipsw (but this model will help you to easily find a link)

Step 2

The only solution is to work with an older version of iTunes, so you can remove and reinstall iTunes to install the latest version

Step 3

ITunes at 11.05 or less, will have to download and install

Step 4

Download the latest version Tinyumbrella way to download Java tiyUmberella JavaScript to function.

Step 5

Your iPhone, tinyUmberella open link, you can see your device.

Step 6

Points are stored in the device "SHSHs" if "Save all SHSHs click". C: This will copy the system in place. \ Users Administrator \ SHSH \.

Step 7

IFaith put a device in DFU mode and follow the instructions. (DFU mode as shown in the previous post training)

Step 8

Open iFaith (iFaith using the disqualification of a modified software required)

Click to tie * IPSW W / rope signed.

Click Browse SHSH thread

And select the software that you download the IOS SHSH.

IFaith will begin to develop custom software.

Step 9

Custom software is now created on your desktop

ITunes, Shift key and click Restore iPhone at the same time open, you can select the custom firmware created by iFath. ITunes will now start the recovery

Step 10

If iTunes has completed its recovery, the back of your iPhone is iOS 6.x


If you still have the problem that I can help you, please comment below

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About Admin Bola

Ms. Lilebit is a wife and mother who is currently became fulltime housewife. She love about blogging and writing.
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